Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Why I Love Affiliate Marketing - Part 3

NOTE: The following is a guest post from one of my favoriteinternet marketing mentors.

Why I Love Affiliate Marketing - Part 3
By Jimmy D. Brown of "Affiliatenaire"

Some people have the ability to persuade others and talk them into just about anything. Especially when it comes to influencing their buying decisions. They know how to push the right hot buttons, say things the right way and generally get consumers into an emotional frenzy to the point they are ready to click an order button.

There are two key words in that paragraph that really need to stand out in your mind: "some people".

Not everyone has this ability. In fact, only a few do.

That brings me to the third reason why I love affiliate marketing...

** You don't need to write a world class salesletter**

Have you ever tried to write a salesletter? There's a reason why professional copywriters charge up to $10,000 (and sometimes even more) for a SINGLE salesletter. It takes a lot of experience and skill to write a top-gun salesletter, which is why most people have a hard time convincing people to buy if they do create their own products and website.

They simply don't have the right salesletter in place to make it all work. Without good copy, it really doesn't matter how spectacular the offer is, you're simply notgoing to get many sales.

SIDEBAR: The average conversion rate of site visitors who become buyers is reportedly less than 2%. That means 98 out of every 100 do NOT buy. That's why sales are so incredibly bad for a poor site ... you *might* get 2 sales out of every 300-400 visitors.

BUT, with affiliate marketing, you don't need to write a salesletter! You simply direct people to someone else's high-octane salesletter for THEM to convert your leads into commissionable sales.

That's why I love affiliate marketing.

You don't need to write a world class salesletter.
Jimmy D. Brown is the author of "Affiliatenaire", teachingyou how to create big-time affiliate commission checks inonly 1-3 hours each week. Discover how you can get cash inthe bank without a website, experience or even an idea!Visit


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